The Freedom of Information Officer's Handbook


The Freedom of Information Officer's Handbook

By Paul Gibbons

1st Edition (2019), Facet Publishing


The Freedom of Information Officer's HandbookThe Freedom of Information Officer’s Handbook is a comprehensive guide to FOI and its practical management. It is designed to be an indispensable tool for FOI Officers and their colleagues. It includes:

  • a guide to the UK’s FOI Act, the right to know and the exemptions
  • clear analysis of the most important case law and its implications for the handling of FOI requests
  • pointers to the best resources to help FOI officers in their work
  • explanations of how FOI interacts with other legislation, including detailed explorations of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and how the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation impacts on FOI
  • a look at requirements to proactively publish information and the effect of copyright and re-use laws on FOI and open data
  • comparisons of the UK’s Act with FOI legislation in other jurisdictions from Scotland to South Africa
  • an exploration of the role of the FOI Officer: who they are, what they do, their career development and what makes them effective
  • suggestions on how to embed FOI within an organisation using effective procedures, technology and training
  • a stage-by-stage guide to processing requests for information.

The Freedom of Information Officers’ Handbook has been adopted as ‘recommended reading’ on the Practitioner Certificate in Freedom of Information Programme, and includes the latest developments in FOI including amendments made to the UK’s FOI Act by the Data Protection Act 2018 and the revised s.45 code of practice published by the Cabinet Office in July 2018.


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